Friday, May 29, 2009

Mercer Botanical Garden. Its free! Mark and Mo wanted to do something and I had no idea what to suggest, this was mo's doing. I had fun, the place was very well kept and anyone wanting to do something even close to this had better look at how many people it takes to maintain this environment, before going with the usual rocks, dead tree's and the non running vehicle look I like. It was perfect weather to walk around and just be without thinking of the many things that usually seep into the cracks of grey matter while doing nothing at home. Mark was locked onto the butterfly exhibit, but apperently the screen door ripped and they all got out. So you couldn't exactly step into a room full of butterflies, but they were all about the beams of light shining through the thick forest. I would rather drive to this place with a good book than spend anytime on landscaping my own home. I hear Koi ponds are like monkeys, it seems like a good idea till you do it. I go with the loner monkey or Koi pond in this instance.

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