Friday, May 29, 2009

My sister and her husband flew into town on Monday and by acci-coincedence I had tuesday off. Mcbro had the sweet idea to cruise down to the beach, AKA: Galveston. Project Brown Water was slated to start in the wee hours of the morning, but being cavedwellers we rose slowly in the mid afternoon. With light traffic we made good and legal time with a complete audio tour of Houston by Mcbro riding shotgun. I am quite fasinated by his knowledge of this place and it made the ride down very interesting, except I was driving so the finger pointing in front of my face to a church or building in front of my nose, was not meant for my attention. We made it safely to the notoriously unsafe Galveston. The evidence of the prior statement was the complete iniehilation of our way point. The dock that held all the little shops on the boardwalk had been destroyed by Hurricane Ike and washed out to sea, the second stop, the visitors center had been under 4 feet of water and was still being renovated and rather than search out the second one, we opted for an authentic sea food dinner at a local joint and watched the harmless waves dash against the newly returned sand bar(brought in by barge). We took the 2pm Duck Tour and had a great time. It was a dual purpose visit, we got to see what Galveston would be like and what kind of damage had been done. It was a sobering look at the life people here live through and still do. The ride back was mostly in silence, from being tired walking around, pain in my brothers case and of course remorse for this little sea side town that has suffered from the beginning and the wonderful people it creates due to the extreme nature of it all. If ever I had a bad day, I could always ponder the impossible actions of the Born On Island locals of Galveston,TX.

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