Thursday, November 06, 2008

Courtesy of the local car show in Fountain Hills. We have some serious muscle in this little town and some really serious cars. I think per capita we have the coolest cars. Of all of them, this was the top of the middle of the heap. I could not reward a vehicle that would easily get a trophy of some sort in any basic car show. I judge on a curve the hottest get dropped the, lowest stay and the middle ground vehicles are graded on a very opinionated aray of science and art, two things that don't really sit well in the same area. I think mechanical things are beatiful, when walking in the corridor for staff of a 4 star hotel, I was more impressed than the marble and gold leaf in the lobby with the aspects of the operational side. I have evolved my eye for function over form, but with a nod towards clean and neat. Sure it's stock, with just wheels. But it's just a car, not a life form, clean, neat and realistic.

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