Thursday, February 16, 2006

I have a theory. Everyone wants to be the alpha male, to be in the group. Society has carved out a market for people like these selling them things they don't need for way too much money.(think ipod, designer clothes and trendy phones, etc.) The govenment has made use of propoganda to create an ideal image of the group someone should strive to be in. A buttoned down, reserved, hard working, tax paying consumer. That's why when someone drives by in a ratty old jalopy, pops a wheelie or goes over a 100 mph; conversations shift. That so and so, opinions are passed with a bias sense of shameless sense of self promotion. I strive to own nothing for someone else, to do what I want for myself and help others obtain the same sense of freedom brings me joy. The theory is I despise all those that despise my behavior, because we are not the same. The defrentiation is in their mind and not mine. I simply mirrror what I recieve. I think that anyone caught in a white 4-door sedan, with khaki pants and pink hands is either showing their depth or secretly wishs to do more. As machines become increasingly more complicated, people have developed into dopes unable to do anything for themselfs. No longer are the high school dropouts working on cars, college prepped people are taking care of cars no one can afford to own anymore, except life without a car can not be concieved. In short, I don't think people don't like me popping wheelies, I think they hate that they can't or have ignorantly made a decision without any imput. Remember heart disease and lung cancer have always been the number one killlers. Dead motorcyclists don't pay taxes for 70 years though.

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