Friday, January 13, 2006

I am having a rolling rock epiphany. This has to be the closest I have been to lucy in the sky with diamonds or dancing with mary jane. I can't describe it, but life has purpose. I can't define it further. I went to this dive bar tonight, you know the one with peanut shells on the ground and bra's hung from the ceiling. Let's just say I learned a lot. I only had one beer, I knew my button up shirt and soap like smell would give me away to the locals. I got three rolled tacos from Filibertos went back to my house. I started watching Desert People, a racing documentary about pre-runner style trucks that float off the rugged dirt roads they race across. Later on with green glass aplenty in my bottle cornocopia waste container-I just feel like hugging everyone, maybe I'm not a good drunk. I feel like everyone serves a very important and unique purpose in this world organism we collectively make up. Way to go team. Evan

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