Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I search craigslist.org, backpage.com and ebay constantly like some sort of drug induced need. The only thing more dangerous than the crap I can not afford is the crap I can. I wander the junkyards of Phoenix looking for the next dilapidated tresure only to stumble upon it and on to its successor. It is a painful game of chance that I imagine happens at any pound or even orphanage, the risk of getting people need to see saved or finding the reason people don't. Bet with the house on this one, that current sociological trends will show that even with reason twisting the wrist of the common consumer not many are jumping ship to own an alternative vehicle. I say buy that Karmen Ghia you drove in college back and spend a weekend in the back yard with a six pack and some freinds pumping new life into what was an old freind. Who knows maybe your killer tiller on wheels will motivate some young kid to stay true to what drives you. Anyone can order a ready made vehicle that is safe and dependable and it is just a car. When you work on that car, I mean put your own time and effort into it, a part of you stays with that car. Go buy a Ford Mustang and that's what you'll have. Buy a 67 fastback and rebuild it and it will be your car, what you did and how you did it. I seem at times to be a rational human being with logic and reason, but I still pet the dash board and talk to the istrument panel while I turn the ignition in frustration pleading the vehicle to start. I incourage anyone of megar means to find a new solution to the commuting conundrum. Buy a project car and learn as much about it as you can, maintain it like a relationship and it will never fail you. If you live close enough to work, for the love of everything holy walk, bike or ride a bus. No vehicle is cheaper than free transportation and after any car a 1200 dollar bike looks cheap after you factor gas and insurance. -Evan
Take a good long look at the guy you paid to fix your car, forget the bullshit words and any explaination, human nature seems to bleed out of any profession. Why is it that someone can accel in school and lose the useful tool of common since.

1 comment:

Mona said...

You are wonderful.


But wonderful.

Insanely wonderful?