Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I have found a way around the ticket and will be contesting the fine, stay tuned for more. In the intrest of reducing the chance of a repeat I have parked the bike and I am driving my licenced legal and finally past emmisions truck. I put a new copper/brass radiator in it and it still overheats at speed. I will replace the fan clutch today as the thermostat and water pump are brand new, less than a week old. I also installed a $80 deck, it's all I need and plenty loud when the good songs are on. I finally pushed the anemic brick up to eighty a previously unseen speed. The sickness hasn't hit with this horse yet, it's just a good running truck and I plan to keep it that way. I have to say that my choice of transportation would mostly be constantly wrong, I seem to be attracted to the things that I sting. Rusted metal and blown motors be damned, the hot rod benieth will breath again while my wallet bleeds profussly. I think I'll change my alias to Hemoevelknievelphiliac or HEKP to my freinds. I have too much free time on my hands for a guy that works this many hours. It's kinda nice to drive a cage again. I got to drink a fountain drink with out drama and listen to the radio while I was in full recline (think coach, it's a truck).
I think I'll be moving soon and suddenly the hot rod really is a problem. Later

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I just got a ticket driving to work. 55 in a construction zone in Scottsdale, technically criminal speeding considering a mandated 25 mph speed limit. I'm fighting it, I was robbed.(ignorance really is blissful) I wonder if constantly questioning authority is the breeding ground of rougely wrong thoughts. Regardless of age, we are all children and phychologically speaking respond the same way. When approched about foul behavior the first emotion is strong defiance, a seperation between self and wrong doing and even self imposed justification. This form of reason seems to serve me well, even though it has not neted much but trouble. My philosophy of suffering rather than hand my soul to the mouth of evil is visible to myself alone. Call me crazy, I'm sure many people have had similar opinions of men we now see as great. I might not be remembered post humously as someone great, but my visions are. Moses said he saw god, now he is a prophet. MLK saw the freedom of oppression, now not just a road but a holiday. I see a democratic country of choice and a government organized to guide it's citizens and not be guided by corprations and lobbiests in washington. Sure the tipping point isn't a 177 dollar ticket or even more, but I wish I could put into words my true feelings for the nation in pride and pity without offending both parties.(pro and con, not Rep. and Dem.) You can love cookies, but at some point you have to throw them out and make new ones. I want a fresh govenment with out the bloody civil war, I hope the next rigged electorial college election is a successful departure from the past. CNN's story on the possibility of Pres. Bush being an idiot was a good start, although it did end on the obligatory possitive side after presenting much to the contrary. Fight the party and the power, not the people. I think the problem could be the unity. One nation under god, is like a precurser to faliure. That would be great if everyone could agree on one way of life, whose ignorant ass thought that one up has sure got my view skewed. later preprogramed people. -Evan

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sunday night was a blissful one. I had been looking forward to going to Lost Dutchman State Park to watch a night time movie showing of Raising Arizona. Hollywood called and we decided to roll out on the bikes together. Wise in his infinite wisdom, because we sat on the bikes rather than the ground. He forgot his wallet and was out of fuel so he offered to let me drive his '06 GSX-R 750 (Suzuki) if I put gas in it. I filled both bikes for under $10 bucks. I once heard an aggresive salesman refer to the sound of a $220,00 Ferrari F550 maranello as "pure sex", it should be noted here that vehicles speed is 180 mph. If there is a $12,000 derivetive of the F550 it would be the stock lowmount exhuast new for the '06 model GSX-R, reminesent of Moto GP bikes and a throw back to Eric Buell, who has been doing it on his bikes since the early '90s. I have never imagined a machine could sound so beautiful at full song. A true instrument in every fashion, I carved up the backroads past sunset faster than ever on an inspiring mount with an engineered suspension. Parking the bikes seemed like some self imposed timeout for the road antics just commited, but the show was nice. The superstition mountains in the moonlight while every star in the sky was twinkling down through a few whispy clouds, like sugar tossed on a black canvas with the last strands of cotton candy as an after thought was a wasted romantic moment to the two dudes on their cruisers and inspired forms of debauchery for another night. On the way home hollywood concluded my assumptions, he would meet me back at the house, so I could put some air in the animal I was riding. He was riding the more sedate '06 Kawasaki 650r with it's tractor like exhaust note. I pulled the front wheel up at the on ramp of Idaho road and it touched down in second gear as the speedo clicked past sixty, short shifting for traffic. I steered to clean air with no cars on a nearly abandoned stretch of US 60 I twisted the grip in sixth and the digital speedo counted out ONE-EIGHT-THREE...it felt like 140 to me. The stupid stick struck again under the 101 loop where two DPS cars sat door to door as I rolled past a exactly 170. I thought at these speeds I would have tunnel vision and the earth would seprate, but I could see both very clearly. I sayed on the gas and prayed for an exit. Hollywood said they didn't even turn on the lights as he went by at 130, also seeking a quick exit. If a bullet were to land right next to your head and you could feel the splintered wood and percussion of the small explosion, the heat and deafning roar of the weapon you might know how I felt for the next thirty minutes. School is no cure for stupidity and wisdom comes from more than years, but I'm glad to have experianced this and encourage no one to follow me, including myself.(repetition is the definition of stupidity all else is a lesson)-Evan

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I don't wish that we all lived under the banner of communism or hierarchy, but it would be nice to know who to kick in the balls. After my sixteen hour shift I went home to find a letter saying my license was suspended for FTA, faliure to appear. I knew I missed court because it was re-scheduled on the same day as final exams, I got the BS ticket in Febuary. I paid the ticket with the court fee and I still had to drive all the way to Lake Pleasant Justice Court and pick up the piece of paper saying I had paid and take it to the DMV. While I was at it I put the truck in my name and got a three day tag. I havn't slept in 27 hours and I have 14 more to go. Now I know what mona goes through. The truck overheated and rides like a marshmellow, so $200 bucks later it still wants more and I'm all dried up. I'm trying to quit smoking the hooka, the only flavors I have left burn like cough drops so this should be easy. I feel better.-Evan
The mustard seed, the water that drips into a crack to cause a fissure to split rock into when the cold comes. I can't quite put it into words, but I feel as if I am at the edge of a vast chasm and I havn't the words to describe the levity of an unknown epiphany. I feel excited without reason, lying in bed staring up at the ceiling as the sun blares through the curtins, I clasp my hand over my heart and feel it beating a path outward. If christmas was tommarrow I wouldn't notice and I can't describe why. It's like I find the truthful solution and lose it in the same instant, and before grief sets in the process is repeated. Digital euphoria. Maybe I fell into that chasm already and I'm excited to leave. Which would be better, knowing where you are or leaving for the unknown? I think it is strictly related to the fact that I havn't slept alot lately.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Life has been going really fast. I think the more you do the more time passes by. Seems like just the other day I was thinking about taking another job and now the time and the money is slipping away. I have left myself open for criticism more than once and I still feel like there is progress. I have been very lucky in the process, I have met good people and made new friends. I enjoy what I am doing. I'm getting paid to write this blog now, I am sponcered. I really like riding a newer motorcycle, the quality that this machine exudes makes me wonder what I did to the older bike to cause such a horrific mechanical decomposition. The S-10 sucked up another 200 bucks and its not over yet. I think that I might have been better off with a bicycle and a coke habit. I have been trying to keep up with everyone, please call if you miss me too. I'm going to keep all the wicked stories to myself this time, stupidity is not the best bragging point.